1. Upload folders bbcodes,css,images,js,forumicons,usericons, to the root directory of your website
2. Go to Control panel->Common settings-> tag value (in the bottom of the page)-> insert DOCTYPE: Attention!!! You need to set the value of the tag for the correct display of the skeleton. (Control panel->Common settings):
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
3. Go to Control panel → Design management->Global block->create blocks - BOTTBAR, NAVY, The first, The lower. Insert the necessary templates in them. (e.g. insert the code from the template "BOTTBAR" in the global block "BOTTBAR")
4. Go to Control panel->Design ->Template builder->and set up the "Website template”. Open it in the Pad, copy the code, paste into the builder, press "Create templates”.
5. Set up other templates – Site News (completely), Forum(completely), Comments(completely),Web Poll(completely), Tag Board.
6. Go to Control panel->Site news->Module settings->activate Custom field 1 and rename with Image link: Custom field 1-> Image link