How to install?
The template has been tested with IE 7-8, Google, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera.
1. Upload folders bbcodes, css, images, js, loading as well as the files music1.swf, music2.swf, music3.swf - to the root directory of your website

2. Go to Control panel->Common settings-> tag value (in the bottom of the page)-> insert DOCTYPE:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
3. Go to Control panel → Design management->Global block->create blocks - MENU and NAVIGATION.
Insert the necessary templates in them. (e.g. insert the code from the template "MENU" in the global block "MENU")

4. Go to Control panel->Design ->Template builder->and set up the "Website template”. Open it in the Pad, copy the code, paste into the builder, press "Create templates”.

5. Set up other templates – Site News, File Catalog, Contact Us(completely), E-mail Form, Comments and Users.

6. Set up the template "Site page” in Control panel->Design management-> Site page.



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Template uCoz

Personalizeaza-ti site-ul cu template pentru uCoz.


Imagini -Wallpapers

Descarca wallpapers pentru calculatorul tau.


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Vorbeste cu oamenii din toate colturile Europei.
