It is a stylish template in light grey colors. The template is perfect for the uCoz websites about cellular networks, telephony e.t.c. It has three columns for the website content. There is a horizontal website navigation menu and a double sidebar on the right.
It is a light and easy-designed template in bright colors. The template is perfect for websites with transport or traveling topics. It is modified from the standard uCoz template.
An Outburst Of The Soul is a good-looking and stylish template for uCoz websites. It is in light colors. The right sidebar consists of two columns. The template is borrowed from Wordpress and modified for uCoz. It is perfect for women websites and blogs.
Pink Beauty is a pretty template for uCoz websites. It is in pink colors. The width is fixed. It suits women website and blogs.
It is a very nice template for websites about animals, pets and ways to take care of them. The template is in light colors. It has three columns and a difficult page proof.
City Speed is a simple template for websites about automobiles and various vehicles. It is in light colors.
It is a very good template for the uCoz websites about automobiles. The design is in dark colors. The template has a nice-looking horizontal menu with a submenu, a search form in the header, a built-in Cufon plug-in with an original font to display the website logo.
«Lamborghini» is a nice-looking stylish template in light colors. It is perfect for uCoz websites about automobiles. The template is triple-columned. It has a horizontal website navigation menu and a horizontal user's menu.
Outdoors is a nice-looking template, which suits websites and blogs about tourism, traveling, experimental sports projects. It is good for uCoz websites and blogs of other topics. The template is pretty stylish. The width of the pages is fixed.
Mercedes is a stylish and nice-looking template for uCoz websites. It is in dark colors. The template is borrowed from Wordpress and modified for uCoz. It suits websites and blogs about automobiles perfectly.
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