SimpleFolio — is a nice-looking, simple and clear template adjusted to It is perfect for your blog, portfolio or a personal website.
This template is perfect for blogs, portfolios and personal websites. It is in dark colors and has a simple double-columned structure.
A nice-looking template in dark colors. It has a simple double-columned structure and a horizontal navigation menu. It is perfect for your blogs and portfolios.
The stylish template IRENE combines such elements as leather, tree and paper. Use this theme and your website will single out of many others.
The stylish template for the websites in uCoz web service. It has a simple double-columned structure and a horizontal navigation menu.
Esedra template has a double-columned structure. It is in dark colors and is perfect for blogs, portfolios and personal websites. It has integrated social bookmarks.
Another template for uCoz websites with the working template builder and integrated social bookmarks.
It is a simple template in grey colors, which is perfect for blogs. It has a horizontal menu and a search form in the header. Social bookmarks of twitter and facebook are integrated into the design.
LightTouch template for uCoz websites with the working template builder and integrated social bookmarks.
It is a simple template for those who appreciate minimalism. The design is the combination of white and black colors.
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